Level: Technical


Kubernetes has a well rounded authentication and RBAC system. By building on top of the Kubernetes API, it is possible to move from a static RBAC configuration to dynamic permission assignments with giving just-in-time access to privileged actions. As part of our identity security strategy we developed such an in-house tool, which we are making open source now. The tool allows companies to adopt a lightweight alternative to PAM without the need for significant investment.


Mark Vinkovits – Throughout his career, Mark has been working with developers on ways to integrate privacy and security aspects into existing development processes – without destroying velocity. He is a strong believer of identifying trade-offs and integrating business value and user experience into the equation.

Peter Szekely is currently working as an IT Security engineer at XUND. He’s
interested in networking and security related tech stuff in any shape or
form. Loves breaking things out of curiousity with passion.

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