:: TALKS — version 0x03
- Managing Cybersecurity Incidents: A Journey through cause, effect, and response (Dénes Fodor)
- Small Budget, Big Protection: Cyber Defense for SMBs (Robert Wagner)
- Server-Side Cross-Site Scripting (Balazs Bucsay)
- Beyond the Surface: Exploring Attacker Persistence Strategies in Kubernetes (Rory McCune)
- Dredge: A Open Source Framework for Cloud Incident Response (Santiago Abastante)
- Exploring malicious Windows drivers (Vanja Svajcer)
- How I created 10 mln of viruses (Grzegorz Tworek)
- Extra layer of security for your self-hosted services (Tom Kern)
- Stealthy OLE Object Weaponization in Word Documents leading to Undetectable C2 Implant (Cristian Cornea)
- Scanning the Internet in under 5 minutes, on a budget (Daniel Roethlisberger)
- Dealing With Imposter Syndrome (Sam Macdonald)
- Hacking smart apartments for better living (Marko Štamcar)
- Using, and mis-using Kubernetes Dynamic Admission Control (Richard Tweed)
- Exploring the Capabilities of Bad USBs (Tomislav Brlek)
- Mobile Security Theater – or why YOU should pay $1,000,000 for two regex queries (Miłosz Gaczkowski)
- Is CyberChef just for Base64? (no :P) (Žan Rotar)
- Lightweight solution for dynamic permission assignments in Kubernetes (Mark Vinkovits & Peter Szekely)
- Zeek and Destroy with Python and Machine Learning Workshop (Eva Szilagyi and David Szili)
- Utilising Large Language Models (LLMs) for alert creation (Richard Tweed)
- How To Write A Security Assessment Report (Michael Markevich)
- The rest of the talks and workshops will be published soon.
- If you are the presenter and you see in your talk/workshop description typos or you want to change something. Let us know, because we only did copy+paste of what you have submitted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Like every year, you can expect the Lightning Talks section, so there is still a chance for participation for those who didn’t submit a paper and want to present something very light (<7min).