
| June 12th, 2024

BSidesLjubljana is a community-driven event where security professionals and enthusiasts from all backgrounds share, learn, and connect. To maintain the free nature of this event, we need the participation of our community, especially from speakers and sponsors. The event has always been free, and with your support, we aim to keep it that way.

Here’s how you can contribute:

  • Call for Speakers|Presenters: Do you have insights or experiences in security that you’d like to share? We are looking for speakers who can present talks or workshops that inspire and educate. Your participation is crucial in making BSidesLjubljana a rich experience for all attendees. Submit your proposals by June 27, 2024. More details see CFP sub-page.
  • Seeking Sponsors: Your sponsorship helps keep BSidesLjubljana free and accessible to everyone. This is a unique opportunity to support the security community and showcase your organization’s commitment to fostering an open exchange of ideas. Find out how you can become a sponsor at Sponsors sub-page.

  • Spread the Word: Simply talking about BSidesLjubljana with your colleagues and peers is a fantastic way to support us. Follow us on Twitter/Mastodon @BSidesLjubljana, use the hashtag hashtag#BSidesLjubljana, and share our posts to help build our community.

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